Implementing Digital Operations at Your Wood Mill

February 14, 2024

For wood mill operators considering a switch to digital operations, the prospect of change can be intimidating.

Of course, you know all too well the problems caused by your current paper-based procurement system. But much as you’d like to be free of those hassles, you likely dread learning a new system and going through the growing pains of operating a new way.

The good news is that with the right software vendor, the training and implementation process can be a breeze, and you can quickly launch a new, better way of operating without any hiccups.

With the cloud-based Angel software from Legna, you’ll enjoy an easy and efficient training and implementation process. In fact, one of our customers characterizes the experience this way:

“I have implemented five different ERP (enterprise resource planning) solutions in my 25-year career in the wood products industry, and implementing Angel was the easiest and most transparent experience,” says Steve Kitchens, plant controller at Vicksburg Forest Products in Jackson, Mississippi. “The Legna team knows how to run an implementation process.”

What does that implementation process look like? Here’s a preview of your experience in implementing Angel with the Legna team.

Understanding Your Specific Challenges and Goals

Our team first meets with you to understand your business processes and any challenges you face. The information you share will help us customize your implementation experience.

Software Access

With a cloud-based solution, accessing our software is as simple as downloading an app and logging into the platform. The platform is available on your computers as well as any Android and Apple mobile devices. You’ll also have your logging contractors in the field download Angel’s mobile applications to their cell phones or tablets. Loggers, truckers, weigh scale operators and scalers see only the parts of the application they need to do their job.

Platform Training and Field Testing

The final step involves our team training yours on how to use the platform, with training tailored to each user persona. Thus, we’ll teach your office procurement staff what they need to know and likewise for all your personnel, including those in the field, yard and scale house.

We’ll also work with you to field test the platform, focusing in particular on the challenges and goals you shared with us during the first stage of implementation.

And with that, you’ll be ready to operate your mill procurement process digitally and enjoy the many advantages of our platform, including:

  • Real-time visibility into your merchandising process for maximum revenue.
  • An efficient digital accounting and settlement process.
  • Proof of origin of your timber loads.
  • Comprehensive operational data that leads to data-informed decision-making and increased profitability.

Ongoing Support From U.S.-based Team

After implementation is done, you’ll continue to enjoy ongoing support from one of the largest and most responsive customer support teams in the industry, with representatives on the East and West coasts.

Because the platform is cloud based, you’ll also benefit from continual updates and enhancements delivered by our in-house, North Carolina-based development team, which has more than 35 years of experience in the wood products industry.

Learn How Angel Can Transform Your Tonnage Mill Operations

As you can see from the above, digital transformation of your mill needn’t be an experience you dread. In fact, it’s an easy, straightforward process with the Legna team supporting you at every step of the way, from initial intake to go-live and beyond.

To learn more about how you can digitally transform your operations at your mill with Angel, contact us or request our free e-book “How Wood Mills Can Increase Profitability Through Digital Transformation.

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